Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Find the most frequently asked questions below:

Are there different insurance coverage types?


Yes, there are different insurance coverage types and they are as follows Bodily Liability, Property Damage Liability, Comprehensive, Collision and Uninsured & Underinsured.

Who can receive home health?


Individuals of all ages and with a variety of health care needs can receive home health services. As the name implies, home health is for people who require assistance from a health care professional at home. Medicare, Medicaid and insurance companies require orders from a physician before care can be initiated.

Does an auto insurance quote impact your credit history?


No, an auto insurance quote should not impact an individuals credit score. Infinity Auto insurance conducts a soft inquiry to check for credit history. Based on the credit history, the company further concludes if there is any risk involved when insuring a driver. You can always ask for a online quote today by visiting their website.

What is the most important insurance to have?


Otherwise, the most important types of insurance you should consider include health, life, disability, auto and homeowner's insurance - 1. Auto Insurance 2. Health Insurance 3. Disability Insurance 4. Homeowner's Insurance 5. Life Insurance.